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Present in Milan, at the headquarters of Assolombardia, President of Naples, Aurelio De Laurentiis, spoke at the event “Mergers and Acquisitions in Italy, large investors, interested areas and main players in the sector”. These are his words, collected TMW extension: “When I arrived in Naples, I saw that big companies like Nike, Adidas and Puma were arriving and paying for agents and players. I had more desire to work with these companies. I called Giorgio Armani and asked him if he would lend me his EA7 brand to produce technical material. He didn’t do it to anyone, but he said, “How can I say no?” . At this point, I took my daughter and told her to inquire about it. Next year we will probably triple the turnover of Robe di Kappa, things were not going well and now we have changed everything.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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