FIFA Regulations for Agents: Effective October 1st High Risk

As it became known to the specialized German publication Kicker, a new chapter of the “legal dispute” under the FIFA regulations on agents was staged: in fact, as a result of non-compliance with the suspension of the FFAR – FIFA football agents regulations – by order of FIFA and the DFB (German Football Federation) by the Civil Court of Dortmund with the verdict of 24 May 2023, the same, having established at the request of the appellants (a company of German agents) that both on the official website of FIFA a in relation to the DFB there were still instructions and indications in connection with the final entry into force of the judgment with a mandatory deadline, set for 1 October of the following year, imposed a fine of 150,000 euros on defaulting defendants.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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