“Ready to get ready.” The only thing is that there is a lack of sleep, the child does not let me sleep” – Lokomotiv striker Suleymanov

Attack “Lokomotiv” Timur Suleymanov He said he was fully prepared to train with the team and his physical condition was only spoiled by lack of sleep due to the recent birth of a child.

Last season, Suleymanov played 22 matches for Lokomotiv in the MIR RPL and scored seven goals.

— I am ready for training camp, I have been training, my health is also excellent. The only thing is that there is a lack of sleep, the child does not let me sleep. And so everything is fine.

— How has life changed after the birth of a child?

— You could say it’s global. I really like children. When mine was born, it was something unreal. Every day I got up at five in the morning, my condition was serious. I tried to take care of the child, because I understood that I would now leave for a month without seeing him.

— How did you spend your vacation?

“I went to a canyon in Dagestan, to cafes, I was with my family,” reports the correspondent, according to Suleymanov’s words.

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Source : MatchTV

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