Feralpisalo, Diana: “The team has been growing for some time: it has created an identity”

The fourth useful result in a row for Feral wrote who beat Lecco in a comeback yesterday, also making a small jump in the standings. Mr. then spoke in the press center I love Dianacollected by colleagues from Lecco Channel News: “Can we always get along well at home? It’s not that we’re doing well, we’re trying to do our best. Victories should always be celebrated, especially against a strong team and with strong setters. The match went as we thought: they were calm and at a low pace, we had to speed up. It’s a shame we missed the goal, but with desire and change we got him back on the right track. Any reproaches? We always find a quibble, at the time of their substitution we may have miscalculated and missed the opportunity to score. Once that was fixed we were good and that’s fine.“.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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