Five-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Yana Batyrchina commented on the news and that the athletes of the Italian national team have been systematically humiliated by the coaching staff.
Earlier, gymnast Nina Corradini was the first to speak about the persecution of athletes.
“I’m shocked, to be honest. I didn’t expect it to be at the national team level. Corradini is still visiting a psychologist. It shouldn’t be. I won’t speak for the others, but I didn’t. Despite the fact that I tend to be overweight, I struggled with being overweight all my life, but it was all within the bounds of decency. They pointed out excess weight, went for extra cross country or went without dinner. We were weighed three times a day. And then only for those who had such a problem.
Now in our team each gymnast is responsible for herself, there is no control. Coaches can simply ask athletes about their weight. It is believed that gymnasts are adults, responsible, they can be responsible for their actions. In my time, we were weighed, the results were recorded in a book. I can answer for myself, but there were no humiliations, no one went to see a psychologist. It should not be, – quotes the words of Batyrshina “Gazeta.Ru”.
Source : MatchTV