Jerry West, player who inspired the NBA logo, dies

North American basketball legend, Jerry West remained in the NBA, providing consultancy as an executive for the Los Angeles Clippers since 2017; know more

Jerry Westlegend that inspired the company’s logo NBApassed away this Wednesday, 12. Considered one of the most important athletes in the league’s history, he had been providing consultancy as a basketball executive for the Los Angeles Clippers since 2017.

According to the franchise, the legend died “peacefully” in his home, next to his wife, Karen. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame three times, twice as a player (for the Los Angeles Lakers and the North American team) and one as an executive.

The icon became NBA champion in 1972, was MVP of the 1969 finals and reached the final on nine occasions. West was All-Star 14 times and collected several individual awards, including scoring basket in the 1970 season and assists leader two years later.

Source: sportbuzz

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