NBA: JR Smith hints at boycotting league teams in his career

Former NBA player JR Smith was candid about the franchise’s stance on his basketball career; The guard’s last team was the Lakers, in 2020

JR Smitha veteran who served in the NBA, was candid about the league’s franchises and how they were supposedly responsible for the direction of his basketball career. The guard has not been part of an organization’s team since 2020, when he wore the shirt of the Los Angeles Lakers beside LeBron Jameswith whom he was also in the Cleveland Cavaliers.

“I feel like my career has certainly been boycotted. Anyone could come here and attest to that feeling, as it is a fact.”pinned Smith to the website “Complex”. “We have, to begin with, 30 teams in this league. So take the top three players from each of those rosters and simply take them out of the conversation. I challenge you to nominate a better athlete than me.”


The athlete added: “I feel like this boycott, by the way, is a trend in the league right now. Joe Johnson, for example, still has full playing conditions. Like this Jamal Crawford and Nick Young. There is no doubt that Isaiah Thomas still has basketball in it. There are certainly veterans who have been boycotted in their careers.”.

backstage of the NBA

Jeanie Bussowner of Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA, broke the silence about LeBron James and the star’s retirement from the league. The president did not hide her desire to keep the four-time champion in the squad, although the winger assumed that he would like to play with his son, bronny jamesno matter which franchise he is a part of in the future.

LeBron James and JR Smith defending the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA (Credit: Getty Images)

“I’m optimistic for the next season and LeBron’s previous extension, for example, is a huge vote of confidence.”explained Buss to “The Athletic”. “That was, first and foremost, a priority for the team. It’s a priority for our brand, more than that, that LeBron retires in our uniform.”

Source: sportbuzz

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