“For the Serie B Reggina-Cosenza football match of October 8, 2022, which is characterized by high-risk profiles, the following organizational measures are proposed in the CRP:
– sale of coupons for residents of the province of Cosenza, exclusively for the sector
“Guests” and only if they are subscribers of the “Cosenza calcio” loyalty programs;
– implementation of stewarding;
– strengthening of services, including in pre-filtration and filtration activities, in accordance with the requirements
special industry regulations.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web

I’m Todderic Kirkman, a journalist and author for athletistic. I specialize in covering all news related to sports, ranging from basketball to football and everything in between. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have become an invaluable asset to my team. My ambition is to bring the most up-to-date information on sports topics around the world.