Athletistic/Football. Russian Federation Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin does not believe that Fan ID is in any way affecting the decline in RPL attendance and preventing fans from visiting the stadium.

Matytsin spoke about the support of Russian athletes suspended from several international federations

“The decision to introduce the Fan ID system has been taken, there is no going back. The rest of the stadiums will also be equipped with this system, from the second part of the championship. no misunderstanding from the clubs. The Ministry of Sports and other organizations are making this procedure as clear as possible. I think attendance will be in the second half of the season “will be more. It is not correct to prioritize decreasing attendance with what was introduced by Fan ID. At the World Championships in Russia, there was the same system. All measures have been taken, and I see no obstacle for it not to work”, Matytsin quotes “RB Sport”.

The Minister of Sports has authorized the creation of alternative competitions in the event of non-admission of Russians to the Olympics

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