Nothing to do for rekanatsky: Return to the Nicola Tubaldi stadium is postponed. Checking by the technical commission in order to give the go-ahead did not give the desired results and, as colleagues from Adriatic Courier – the commission postponed the return due to the fact that some work has yet to be completed. And so the team of Reggiana Pagliari will be forced to emigrate again to Helvia Rechina in Macerata. The technical commission has scheduled another match for next week, so the next day circled in red will be Saturday, December 10, home match against Entella.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I am Sandra Jackson, a journalist and content creator with extensive experience in the news industry. I have been working in the news media for over five years. During this time, I have worked as an author and editor at various outlets producing high-quality content that attracts readers from different demographics.