General Director of Ancona: “We did not have enough aggression against Olbia”

Only one point in two games against Fermanagh and Olbia for Ancona. The Dorians slowed down after stopping the Reggiana leaderboard but remain in fourth place in the standings. Roberta Nocelligeneral manager and managing director of the red and white club, trying to explain the reasons for the draw with the Sardinians: “We were not as aggressive as in other matches, at least in the first half. Immediately on the network, everything became unprofitable. In the second half, we stormed the field, but it is obvious that a team that needs to score points like Olbia no longer pays attention to the game. They closed the spaces and sealed off the area, we well found the right way to even out the situation”. In the next round, the red-whites will play with Entella: “I hope to see the same audience on Reggiana, warm and passionate, that helped the boys win a lot.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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