Fact of the week – Delio Rossi 27 years later: he returns to Foggia, but promises no miracles

It’s only been five weeks since the resignation Fabius Gallo and since the advent Mario Somma on the Foggia bench. And here is another turn of the Rossoneri. The former Empoli player resigned last Saturday at the end of Monterosi Tuscia’s home knockout and after seeing President Canonico’s idea of ​​the so-called collapse of self-rule, that is, the technical leadership entrusted to Lorenzo Giunte, Gallo’s deputy and then Somma, who faced hurdles of regulation that does not allow Giunte to remain on the bench for more than one match, except that he does not have a UEFA A license, the first one out of the hat. Delius Rossi.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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