Marchisio: Punishing Juventus is wrong now. Allegri is the exact opposite of Conte.”

Claudio Marchisioformer midfielder Juventuswas a podcast guest Pass Bsmt and addressed many issues, including the penalty kick given to black and white: “As a fan, I will wait and see what happens. Then there is the middle ground and as a fan you concentrate on the match but no matter the result you know there is something that needs to be closed. in general, I don’t think it’s right for a championship that is still going on with many games. .It would be more appropriate to wait until the end of the year and see what will come of it. I hope that FIFA and UEFA will come to specific and respected rules with the hope that football will be cleared, which in recent years, Covid or not, needs to be changed.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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