Venice, Niederauer: “I scored 13 points out of 15 in direct matches. Thanks to the fans”

President of Venice Duncan Niederauer published a statement for the official channels of the club, in which he assesses the situation on the eve of the championship final: “It was very nice to be with the guys and fans in Venice in the last few days. We played a great match on Saturday, we were united, aggressive and fast. I repeat what Candela said, the players feel the support of the fans and appreciate it more than you can imagine. The energy during the match was great and I met many fans walking from Sant’Elena to Via Garibaldi after the match. Their support was evident. In the second half of the championship we won 13 points out of 15 against Benevento, SPAL, Brescia, Ascoli and Como. We must continue our way, thinking one game at a time,” Niederauer continues, “I am also proud of the way our Primavera team plays (another good result against a very tough team like Parma) and equally proud of our women’s team who, I thought I won easily on Sunday We will be delighted to see them play in the semi-final of the Coppa Italia at the end of the month Finally I had the opportunity to see our new headquarters which will soon be built on the grounds of Tallercio We are looking forward to opportunity to invite our sponsors, supporters and the media to our new headquarters in late spring.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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