Gadzhiev is sure that Khimki’s problems are not related to Gogniev

Former head coach of Krylia Sovetov and Anji Gadzhi Gadzhiev believes that the problematic situation in the suburbs “Khimki” not associated with the person of the team’s former head coach Spartak Gogniev .

Khimki is 15th in the Russian Championship standings with 13 points. On Monday, the press service of the Moscow region club reported that Gogniev left the post of head coach of Khimki, the agreement with the specialist was terminated by mutual agreement between the parties.

– Gogniev can be attributed to novice coaches, despite the experience. He has no results that would speak of his high qualification and the absence of errors in the training process. In short, everyone makes mistakes. Of course, Gogniev made some miscalculations, but how much they influenced the results is hard to say. But the mistakes Khimki’s management makes again and again are known and obvious to the entire football community. Therefore, given the miscalculations on the part of the coach, I believe that the main responsibility for the strategy of the so-called development of the club lies with the leaders, Gadzhiev told

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Source : MatchTV

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