Alessandria, there have never been so few points in Serie C in the last twenty years

No wins for a month and back after a hard beating of Olvia,Alexandria he sees the risk of playing the entire season in the playouts even closer. The Grays scored 32 points in 35 games, and even if they had won all three remaining games, they would have finished the regular season with 41 points. To find a result worse than that of the Piedmontese in the third series, one has to go back more than twenty years: in C1 2000-01 Roberto Pruzzo’s team (with Sergio Rossetti’s break between the 13th and 19th rounds) closed the group in last place with 25 points in 34 games, three distances from the play-out. In different categories, Alessandria also performed worse in the 2002-03 C2 championship (the latter with 29 points in 34 games), while Longo’s team finished third in Serie B last year with 34 points in 38 games. not yet achieved.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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