Tinti: “Young Italians are forced to switch to C, so they lose self-esteem”

Tullio Tintithe players’ agent and former player, among others, from Foggia and Rimini in the 1980s, spoke to “Agent’s voicebroadcast on TMW radio. Among the topics covered was that concerning the choice of Italian teams to focus on young foreigners: “Maybe a Norwegian and a Swede are worth less, but our football and what we are fighting against is affected by the argument that too many high-profile foreigners have come here and taken places from our young players. In 2020, a law was introduced to return our valuable guys to Italy, but then this case spread to all workers. Even in football, a foreigner costs 50% less taxes than an Italian. What does the president do in difficult times? So many of our good boys today must go to C or D and the path becomes more difficult. In C, perhaps he no longer realizes his strength and his self-esteem is lost.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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