The search for “Lazio”, “Messaggero”: 7 operations with “Salernitana” in sight. Explored Lotito

After the searches that took place in the offices of Lazio and Salernitana, the newspaper Messenger explains the situation in its web version. For biancocelesti, we read the president is under investigation by the Tivoli prosecutor Claudius Lotito and ds Taraplus 5 other people. Executives, it says, “use invoices for the sale of players sold to US Salernitana 1919 srl, the result of artificial valuations compared to the individual player’s market value at the time of sale, as reported on annual tax returns. fictitious passive elements (“inflated” costs), as well as the reflection in the company’s financial statements of the corresponding disproportionate amounts of player purchases, which distorts the value of the assets of the sports club.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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