TC INTERVIEW – Morrone: “Cesena-Vicenza is already like a final”

Alfonso MorronePresident of ADICOSP, comments his re-election: “I am very pleased with my confirmation as president, I take the opportunity to thank colleagues for the trust placed in me. This re-election, in addition to appreciating my work and the work of all elected advisers, will place even greater responsibility on me so that the figure of sports directors and secretaries can have the protections and guarantees in terms of work that other profiles already have. We have come a long way since that distant June 29, 2016, when, in a nearby bar in Montecitorio, a very small number of “visionaries” started an exciting story like that of Adicosp. Now we are rolling up our sleeves even more because there is still a lot to be done for our colleagues.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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