Paulo Souza gave a great interview to the Portuguese portal Sol. It’s a question and an answer, clarifies TuttoSalernitana, which took place at the end of May: “For now, my idea is to stay. I’m already working on the next season, I’ve already presented to the sports director the type of players we need to strengthen the team, I see no reason to change the plan that we are building You know that the most important thing for me is to imagine a project within which I can not only develop as coach, but also to promote the development of players and infrastructure growth.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I am Ben Stock and I work in Athletistic as an author. My specialty is covering football news and other related topics. I have been writing for this website since the past 2 years, crafting compelling stories with the latest updates in the sports world. My articles have gained widespread appreciation amongst readers due to their accuracy and depth of research.