Brindisi, Malaccari: “Strong emotions, it hurts to part with Gubbio”

Former Captain Gubbio, Nicholas Malaccarilast season in Brindisi, talking into microphones on his promotion with the Puglia team: “Looking towards the end, I experienced emotions that I have never experienced in my career. I say this because it was a difficult year, we even ended up at -6 from the top, even if there is no hope. We brought something special since we brought Mr. Danucci back to the bench, we took on a lot of responsibility making sure to recall him after he was sacked and we have achieved 12 wins since then (including the playoffs) and only two draws. Something clicked in our head, and as soon as we won a direct match at the end of the tournament, we realized that we really could win the championship, and we succeeded. We are happy that we returned Brindisi to where it deserves to be, because it is a square with a lot of desire for football, just look at the number of spectators. After 33 years, Brindisi’s return to the pros was an indescribable feeling. Not to mention a big party in town. What can I say, strong emotions. Last summer, I made a very bold choice: many were skeptical, they were unhappy that I was rushing into this completely new adventure for me.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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