This option is possible if UEFA does nothing to restore us.” RFU General Secretary – on the transition to Asia

Secretary General of the Russian Football Union (RFU) Maxim Mitrofanov On air, announced that the organization would consider joining the Asian Football Confederation if the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) did not take steps to send Russian clubs and teams back to tournaments under its auspices. .

At the end of February 2022, FIFA and UEFA suspended Russian teams and clubs from participating in international tournaments due to the situation in Ukraine. The RFU considered the possibility of joining the Asian Football Confederation, but it was decided to create a working group with the participation of representatives of UEFA and FIFA, which will discuss the prospects of Russian football in more detail.

– We do not set ourselves the task of moving to Asia. We have said that such an option is possible if UEFA does not take steps to restore our full membership in terms of national team and team participation [в соревнованиях].

Our main task is to play football and not be listed in either confederation. Understanding this, UEFA is committed that if it cannot restore our player status, it will not prevent the transition to Asia and make it as comfortable as possible for everyone so that football Russian does not suffer,” Mitrofanov told the show. “Vse na Match!” on the channel.

Source : MatchTV

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