I am not selfish and will not stay contrary to the saints, but I will not leave Brescia, damaging the city and leaving the team to people who do not give guarantees.
Then the future: “The less I appear, the better, the new director will be present, because he is a real person. Castagnini certainly has freedom, albeit limited by the protection of the company. I will not let him sign or sell the players he wants, I will always have the final say. I don’t want to make promises. It would be from baustia to say that I want to make a Serie A team. Tonali’s money hasn’t arrived yet, and luckily I’ve kept a percentage of the resale. Bisoli and Cystana? They expire, but this is not a problem since we are talking about 2024. Many players need to demonstrate that they deserve the salary they have and that they have always received on time.”
Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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