George Perinettitechnical area directorAvellinowho was present at the Sturno Sports Festival, explained the latest movements of the Irpinia wolf market by analyzing the topics of the next season collected sports channel and told colleagues AllAvellino:”We have announced Chionek and Rigione, two important Serie B club captains. Pezzella? I saw someone like him roaming the field, then we’ll see, it will be the job of a press officer to announce the players. I don’t steal anyone’s work. Outputs? So far we have made 11 releases, we are already at the top of this ranking, there will be something else in the release as well. Ready market? This is a question we all ask ourselves, let’s see, today is August 12, the transfer market is dynamic, we are vigilant, we are attentive and looking for opportunities that can happen. Avellino had a disappointing championship last year, so the right thing to do is try to rebuild something.“.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I am Ben Stock and I work in Athletistic as an author. My specialty is covering football news and other related topics. I have been writing for this website since the past 2 years, crafting compelling stories with the latest updates in the sports world. My articles have gained widespread appreciation amongst readers due to their accuracy and depth of research.