Goalkeeper Dzhanaev said he had an offer, but he did not negotiate with the Azerbaijani club

Russian goalkeeper Soslan Janaev said he did not start negotiations on the transfer to Azerbaijani club Araz-Nakhchivan.

Earlier, interest in the 36-year-old goalkeeper from Nakhichevan city team was reported by Sport24.

— For the first time I hear about the interest of Araz-Nakhchivan, I have not negotiated with anyone from this country. I have an offer now, you will know soon. I think it will be known within a month,” Dzhanaev told Metaratings.ru.

In June, Dzhanaev left Sochi, for which he had been playing since 2019, due to the expiry of the contract. Previously, the goalkeeper played for Spartak Moscow, Rostov, Rubin Kazan, Akhmat Grozny. He has three matches for the Russian national team.


Source : MatchTV

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