Salernitana, Sousa: “Obviously what this team needs in the transfer market…”

Speaking at a press conference after the victory over Ternana, Salernitana coach Paulo Souza reiterated the need for reinforcements from the market: “It is so obvious what this team needs that I don’t even want to talk about it, the inclusion of Dia Ani message? He just came back from injury and there is a risk of muscle injury so we decided to proceed with caution. Starting and stopping can be dangerous for those who have had this problem. He’s been running dry this week and he’s done well, he’s grouped well, and I wanted to continue that growth moment. Last year was decisive, we know it is fundamental for Salernitan. To do this, we must make better decisions. Both in terms of training and in terms of “competitive integration”.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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