Trento, Pasquato: “We can become the cannon of the group”

Christian Pasquatooffensive wildcard Trentprojected himself from the columns Corriere del Trentino for the match against Padova, of which he is a former player:”Meeting Padua is always beautiful and exciting: this is my city, this is my home, and every time the never-fading feelings are renewed. Padua this year? He has cut everything, but they have a very long squad and the right and perfect changes: I see him as one of the four candidates for promotion, along with Mantua, Triestina and Vicenza. Now I am proud to be the captain of Trento: there has been a lot of suffering in the last two years and our goal should be a quiet rescue above all, but we can become the loose cannon of the group.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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