Lille will need to pay a million-dollar sum to Marcelo Bielsa; understand

Current coach of the Uruguay national team was fired in 2017 by the French club and has to receive a millionaire sum after the team was convicted by the Douai appeal court

O Lille was convicted by the Court of Appeal of Douai (north of France) to pay two million euros (around R$10 million) to his former coach Marcelo Bielsawho was fired in 2017, due to a “parachute clause”, which protected him if he was fired.

Known as “Loco”, Marcelo Bielsa is one of the most prestigious coaches in world football, but his explosive profile is also remarkable. Currently, the coach commands the selection of the Uruguay. According to his lawyer, Benjamin Cabagnothe former Lille commander asked the club for 19 million euros, information that was confirmed by Bertrand Wambeketeam advisor.

Both parties have already received notification of the decision. “From the court’s point of view, we won, because the appeal court confirmed the serious misconduct”, said Wambeke about the detail highlighted by Lille to justify the Argentine’s dismissal. At first instance, in July 2021, the court rejected all of Bielsa’s claims.

Signed by Lille after the French were bought by the businessman Gerardo Lopezthe Argentine aimed to “change the dimension” of the club, but was fired after just 13 games, while he was in second place at the club. French Championship. The court considered that the pre-contract signed between the parties on February 14, 2017 and sent for approval of the Professional Football League on July 1 were valid.

This pre-contract, unlike what was signed later, included a clause called “parachute”, which stipulated that, “if the club decides, for any reason, to dismiss the coach from his duties“, I would have to “compensate you through all the amounts indicated”. The court reduced the expected amount, assessing the losses suffered by Bielsa at 2 million euros.

Source: sportbuzz

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