Serie B, Delprato from Parma is the king of contrasts. Mangraviti and Di Cesare on the podium

During the national team break this week, League B released some interesting data regarding individual players in the championship. One of these concerns tackles won in the first nine days of play, with three players achieving a 100% success rate. It’s about Enrico Delprato Parma, first in the most minutes played, Massimiliano Mangraviti Brescia and Valerio Di Cesare from Bari.

Scrolling through the rankings, we find Ghilardi from Parma, D’Orazio and Venturi from Cosenza, Coulibaly from Parma, Sverco from Venice, Vicari from Bari and Cistana from Brescia. They are full-backs in all cases, with only D’Orazio and Koulibaly serving as full-backs.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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