Race of champions, Rambaudi says clearly: “Napoli must enter the race themselves”

“As for the Champions League zone, Napoli must compete with itself, and not with Roma and Atalanta. We can hope that there will be a 6th place there too, and this could be an additional factor. In my opinion, Raspadori is a player who lives in the club.” penalty area, you see the goal, but you need to play a certain type of football. The most appropriate way is the way Spalletti used it, that is, during a match when you dominate your opponents in the half of the field, when you have goals to score.” The former Lazio and Atalanta striker said: Roberto RambaudiTo Radio Mars: “Raspadori is an attacking player who, in my opinion, the attacking weight alone does not hold, both physically and because he hides in certain situations. For me, Raspadori is an attacking midfielder who is difficult to place because he is an attacking winger, which he does not have the strength to play with the whole group like Quara or Politano do.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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