Dalaloyan called Cherdantsev his favorite commentator and spoke tearfully after the Russian Cup football final

Olympic gymnastics champion Arthur Dalaloyan admitted Georgy Cherdantsev was his favorite commentator on , and also said he cried after Dynamo’s failure in the final of the Russian Football Cup.

— Do you have any favorite football commentators? Kostia Genich or Georgy Cherdantsev? Picking out!

— Cherdantsev! Dalaloyan said in the studio at VK Fest. – He is much more impulsive, more beautiful said somehow charged. I would like to discuss with him. He always has a great show!

Are you rooting for…?

“Dynamo “. All my life! At the age of six, I joined the Dynamo club, for which I have played all my life!

– Have you been to the final of the Russian Cup?

– I came out with tears, but the atmosphere was cool, intriguing. In principle, the match was generally very interesting all the time until this penalty occurred. But even after that, I believed that it was possible to do something else. I don’t think Fomin is bad. It’s a sport, I understand it as an athlete. Anything can happen in competition. We recorded a joint interview with Danya and communicated with Zakharyan on social networks. But to be friends with someone, there is nothing like it.

The final of the Russian Cup “Spartak” – “Dynamo” ended in victory for “red-white” with the score 2:1. Meanwhile, Dynamo’s Daniil Fomin didn’t score a penalty in the dying seconds of the game.

Source : MatchTV

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