Iovino: “Taranto scored 69 points, but there was an administrative problem”

Sports manager Bruno Iovino speaking at TuttoAvellino, he spoke about the Taranto case. “First of all, I would like to make an assumption about Taranto on a technical level. We must pay tribute to Mr. Capuano, with whom I have an excellent relationship of professional and personal respect, who on the field, on the field, Taranto scored 69 points and finished second. We must take note of this and give them credit for the work they have done, which is outstanding and there is no doubt that there are rules that must be followed on a personal and professional level. , but an administrative problem arose in Taranto. Therefore, the argument that Chiacchio’s lawyer makes is legally acceptable because, to be clear, before last season we were talking about a fine of one point for each violation we committed. We are talking about non-payment of INPS and Irpef fees, so there are two violations and until last year there were two penalty points.”

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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