Athletistic/Football. On Saturday, May 4, the new head coach of Nizhny Novgorod made himself known. The team was led by Serbian specialist Sasha Ilic. The famous Russian coach Valery Nepomnyashchy spoke about this.

– To be honest, I don’t know why he was invited, I have never played the role of an employer and it is difficult for me to say by what criteria they select a specialist for their clubs. For me, this is still an unanswered question. It is also difficult to work everywhere, both in the “water pumping team” and in the team leading the championship. But it’s not clear to me what qualities the coach demonstrates and why they choose him. Why did they choose him and not someone else? – quotes Nepomniachtchi as saying:

Recall that the former head coach of the Nizhny Novgorod team was Sergei Yuran.

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