The penultimate day of work of the red and white group ahead of the match against Padua under coach Bruno Caneo, valid for the Coppa Italia FrecciaRossa preliminary round, scheduled for 21:00 on Sunday, July 31, at the Areci stadium in Salerno. .
Before working on the Antistadio site, the team spent time in the video room for the theoretical part, then the space for working in the field with an emphasis on the tactical part, developed across the board; in the first part of intense muscle activation, bulls and technical schemes, the closure is devoted to exercises aimed at pure conclusions. The finishing session before the race is scheduled for tomorrow.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I’m Todderic Kirkman, a journalist and author for athletistic. I specialize in covering all news related to sports, ranging from basketball to football and everything in between. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have become an invaluable asset to my team. My ambition is to bring the most up-to-date information on sports topics around the world.