Domenico Di Carlotrainer PordenoneOn the eve of the friendly against Foggia, as reported on the official channels, Neroverdi said: “The fight against Foggia is a very valuable test, which certainly promises to be balanced and decisive. We will find a team in the same category against which, regardless of the result, I expect to see the principles of the game that we have been working hard on during this period applied with even more consistency and precision. In possession as well as in non-ownership. The retreat only ends tomorrow, and in these first weeks the group received positive feedback on both a physical, technical and character level. We know that we are only at the beginning of the journey, there is room for improvement and there is always a lot of work to be done, but the band faces it every day with the right attitude and great intensity.”
Source: Tutto Mercato Web

I am Sandra Jackson, a journalist and content creator with extensive experience in the news industry. I have been working in the news media for over five years. During this time, I have worked as an author and editor at various outlets producing high-quality content that attracts readers from different demographics.