Salernitana and Iervolino could have surrendered. For now, focus on Sogliano and Angelozzi.

Danilo Iervolinothe president Salernitana, has never hidden his desire to open capital and for this reason communicates closely with the managing director Maurizio Milan. According to MorningThe Granata patron is also listening to those interested in the club’s shares: due diligence has already begun with Brera Holding, as well as with an American fund, and an Italian business group has requested information. However, be careful, due diligence does not mean a certain transfer, nor can it be ruled out that he himself will invest in the fund. Then we’ll think about the technical and sports side: in Serie B, the club can become a new sporting director. Sean Soglianotoday in Hellas Verona, which is among the favorites along with Guido Angelozzi from Frosinone.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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