The first newcomers to Agribusiness, the united team of FC Kudrovka. All transfers of the 2024 off-season in the First League

Sport Arena talks about personnel migration in the first division of domestic professional football during the 2024/25 off-season

Notes. The table shows the transitions that took place in bold, probable – ordinary; teams are not allocated if the player has already definitely left his previous team, but has not yet signed a contract with the new one that he came to for trial or fell into the sphere of its interests; s/a – free agent; head – ended his career; ar. – rent; v/ar. – return from rental; tr. – put up for transfer; + – additional combination of positions; zak. – end of contract. Blue new transitions are highlighted.

The marking after the club indicates the leagues that it represents (D1 – Premier League and major leagues of other countries, D2 – First League and similar leagues of other countries, D3 – Second League and similar leagues of other countries, AAFU – Amateur League of Ukraine , am. – regional championships and other minority amateur competitions;

This is the second edition of the transition table (the first one is here).

Club Possible acquisitions Possible losses
FC Minai n.Gunichev (FC Alexandria D1 v/ar.→s/a) v. Kemkin (Dynamo Batumi Georgia D1, Carpathians D2→D1), g./p. Vakula (Bukovyna D2, Carpathians D2→ D1), g./p. Petko (Left Bank D2, Kudrovka-Niva D2), p. Korablin (Zarya D1), p.Semotyukn.Ustimenko (both – Krivbass D1 v/ar.)p./n. Remenyak (Vorskla D1, Karpaty D2→D1, FC Alexandria D1, Rukh D1), z.NemchaninovP.WashkebasalaryPetko
Metalist 1925 (Kharkiv) v. Isenko (Vorskla D1 $500,000), z. Kravets (Polesie D1), z. Miroshnichenko (SK Dnepr-1 D1), z.Salyuk (Chernomorets D1 $500,000), Klets village (Veres D1) v.Mozil, n.Boryachuk (both – Vorskla D1→D2), z./p.Martynyuk, p.A.Tkachuk (both – Dinaz D2 v/ar.→s/a), p.Vachiberadze
Left Coast (Kyiv) z./p.Petko (FC Minai D1→D2)
Epicenter (Kamenets-Podolsky) p./n.Sten, p.Gorny (both – Bukovyna D2), h.Kozlovskyn./n. Kravchuk
Prykarpattya (Ivano-Frankivsk) h.Shinkarenko (FSK Mariupol D2), z.Popchuk

FC Kudrovka

(renamed Kudrovka-NivaBuzovaya)

main tr.→tr.V. Baranovtr.Kozakadm.Danyukh.Vaskop./n.EVtushenkon.Legostaev (all – FC Kudrovka D3)g./p. Petko (FC Minai D1→D2) h.TkachenkoP.GulkoP.KalininP.Chepurnenkop./n.Zakharevich
Victoria (Nikolaevka) P.S.Sharay (Veres D1) V.Shelikhovh.NelinP.Savchenkon.Shavrin
Agribusiness (Volochisk) h.Sidorenkop./n.Globa (both – Kremen D2→D3), n.Puchkovsky (Scala 1911 D3) p./n.Galenkov (Carpathians D2→D1 p/or.)V.Popovich, h.Datsenkoh.KvassP.Tishininovn.Shostak
FSK Mariupol z.Shinkarenko (Prykarpattya D2)
SK Poltava h.KlimenkosalaryPosP.Kovalenko
Bukovina (Chernivtsi) (both – last class: Zarya D1)tr.Taran (Karpaty D2→D1), operational director.Markov (FC Alexandria D1), z.Azizov, p.Panchyshyn (both Kremin D2→D3), z./p.Vakula (FC Minai D1→D2 ), village Shestakov, village Naumets, village Tishchenko (all – LNZ D1), village Koltsov (Ingulets D2→D1), village Stan, village Gorny ( both – Epicenter D2), n./n. Boychuk (Chernomorets D2) n. Filippov (SK Dnipro-1 D1)

tr.v.Bilantr.physicsKerchV.Stepanenkoh.Garkavenkoh.A. Ryabyh.D. RyabyP.VlasenkoP.StuffinessP.ProkopchukP.TsurupinP.Shalfeevn./n. Knysh

Podolia (Khmelnitsky)
Niva (Ternopil) sp.dir.Zadorozhny ( Rukh U-19), (Zarya U-19)
Metalhead (Kharkiv) sp.dir.Kobin (Ingulets D2→D1)
Dinaz (Vyshgorod) z./p.Martynyuk, p.A.Tkachuk (both – Metalist 1925 D1→D2 v/ar.→s/a)
YUKSA (Tarasovka) Sitnikov village (Chernomorets D1) z.Kononov (SK Dnepr-1 D1 v/ar.→FC Alexandria D1)
PFC Zvyagel Tomanzoto village, Wendell village (both – Polesie D1 in/ar.)
FC Khust

Club, from PFL competitions:

Friendship (Mirovka)

Source: Sportarena

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