Is there really no other way? Spalletti: “This is my football. If you set yourself a long-term goal, you will lose.”

It was like seeing England and Italy again last October. It happened again. To the second crash tests Because of Spalletti’s leadership, our team, unfortunately, is experiencing the doubts and bewilderments of eight months ago. As the intensity of the match increases, Italy can no longer be clear, handles poorly in transition and gives in to their opponents. The field of his decision was clearer than the result, he explained that Spain today is on a different level, this is what Luciano Spalletti would like to see from his Italy.
But reaching this level is not just a matter of clothing and recognition, requiring training day in and day out. It is also a matter of genius, above all excellent technical qualities, which the Spaniards definitely do not have, although we perform a little. We struggle (and make mistakes) when we have to do them in a split second.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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