Vanderlei Luxemburgo lets go of the verb after having his candidacy withdrawn

After seeking a seat in the Senate, Vanderlei Luxemburgo will not be present as an option at the polls and lives an imbroglio about the future in Brazilian politics

This Friday, 5th, the coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo suffered a severe setback in his first attempt to become a politician. According to information released by the “Uol” portal, the PSB decided to remove the Brazilian multi-champion’s candidacy for the Senate and frustrated the desire of ‘Luxa’, who always made clear his desire to enter politics.

Shortly after the information was confirmed, Vanderlei Luxemburgo used social media to explain the reasons for not having his candidacy maintained. In the open letter to the population of Tocantinsthe state for which he would contest the election, the coach regretted the episode and fired at possible traitors in Brazilian politics.

When I joined the party, I heard that I could ‘run for whatever I wanted’, but we collectively found the Senate as the alternative and how I could contribute to the party and our state. It is worth emphasizing that the candidacy for the Senate had the approval of the state presidency, through Carlos Amastha (…)“, began Vanderlei Luxemburgo.

I confess to you that I do not know at what time my candidacy for the Senate. During the last few weeks I was encouraged to decline the candidacy, change to federal deputy and even give up the electoral fund. I was not invited to participate in the dialogues and was isolated by the presidency“, continued the well-known football coach.

Vanderlei Luxemburgo wanted to enter politics (Credit: GettyImages)

At first, when I was stabbed in the back, I threatened to sue the party. Do you know what it’s like to have a dream stolen from your hands? But, at this point, I’m not going to run over the candidacy of comrades with whom I have made commitments and who already have work developed. Finally, I inform you that I will not run for any office in these elections. It is unthinkable for me to remain allied with traitors“, concluded Vanderlei Luxemburgo.

According to the publication of the portal “Uol”, the PSB withdrew the candidacy of Vanderlei Luxemburgo after the name of the coach was not approved by the party directory. However, ‘Luxa”s open letter to his followers showed an even greater problem in his relationship with the main leaders of the political party.

Source: sportbuzz

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