After the test against Napoli, coach Cavese Raffaele Di Napoli he spoke into the microphones in Areanopoli after the test. “Two days ago we were asked to train with Napoli, yesterday we played a friendly, but we couldn’t refuse to play Conte’s Napoli and it was an honour for us. It was a good match, we are flattered, we knew we had the champions ahead of us and we are flattered by the fact that we scored two goals, even if it is summer football. For us it was a prestigious match, for Napoli it was a good training session. I spoke to Conte, the coach is a football icon, I am his fan.”
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I am Ben Stock and I work in Athletistic as an author. My specialty is covering football news and other related topics. I have been writing for this website since the past 2 years, crafting compelling stories with the latest updates in the sports world. My articles have gained widespread appreciation amongst readers due to their accuracy and depth of research.