About Vercelli, Cannavaro: “It’s always nice to win”

Paolo Cannavarotrainer About Vercelli, As Magicpro reports, he said this after beating Pergolettese. “It’s always nice to win, especially at the end, because the opponent has less time to try to equalize. As the game progressed, we alternated good things with less good ones: in the first half we had to do more and better, maybe their deep play got the better of some fear. At half-time we realized what the problem was and in the second half we saw another game. We suffered from long balls from their goalkeeper, but I liked the idea of ​​going forward and forcing my defenders to stay further away from the penalty area. It’s difficult for me to talk about individual players, but the goal is to have twenty players in the starting lineup: then it will be a problem for me, but I prefer to have twenty players in the starting lineup.

Source: Tutto Mercato Web

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