Alfonso 6.5 – Make some great saves while keeping your own clean slate thanks to VAR.
Dieckmann 6 – He regularly walks on the right flank, here and there, some interesting crosses.
Meccarello 6 – Guides Venturato’s backpack, ignoring excesses under defensive aspect.
Varnier 6.5 – Mekkariello backs into the center of defense, approaching in the second half to the personal goal.
Tripaldelli 6.5 – Runs on left-handed outs, almost always churning out interesting crosses (from 80′ Celia sv – He replaces Tripaldelli, giving new life to the blue and white left flank).
Proya 6.5 – He enters with continuity, harassing the orange and black defenders again and again (of 65 ‘Zanellato 6 – Replaces Proia, bringing fresh energy along the medial shoulder).
Esposito 6.5 – He marks the time of the maneuver of the Venturato’s men, appeasing the pole of the Rabbi with his filter.
Valzania 6 – Attacks and defends with the same dedication, trying, a couple of times, to withdraw from the outside.
Maistro 6.5 – Miscellaneous along the trocar, which goes very close, at the beginning of the second half, to the personal gate (from 65 ‘Rav 6.5 – He takes the place of Maistro, hitting with a beautiful right turn, sensational pole).
Stumps 7 – You need a 1:0 pass to La Mantia before swallowing up a delicious goal ball and also propitiating it with a header for the final 2:0 goal.
Robe 7 – Save the opponent’s penalty area by scoring a predatory goal 1-0 (from 83′ Finotto 7 – He replaced La Mantia by putting his signature on the biancazzurro doubling goal).
Herds of Roberto Venturato 7 – He wins the American derby against Venice “in the English way” for his 4th consecutive league total.
Yoronen 6 – Limits liabilities to the detriment of himself, having cashed out, alas, two goals.
Candle 5.5 – Control from the right, struggling to hold back the attacking opponents (of 46 ‘Modolo 6 – He replaces Candela, allowing Venice to go from 4-3-3 to 3-5-2).
Vishnevsky 5.5 – Play with Captain Ceccaroni, making too many mistakes against your will.
Ceccaroni 6 – The formation of captain Javorcic, making a couple of really valuable closings.
Ulman 6 – Move along the left lane, trying to mainly attack.
Chrnigoy 6.5 – Start with the right foot, look for a shot on goal, before serving, in the second half, a delicious goal ball on Cheryshev (from 86 ‘Pierini 6 – He replaces Chrnigoy, touching the Olympic gate).
Fiordilino 5.5 – Manages a small number of balls without taking on a lot of responsibility in midfield.
Quizance 6 – Gives a pinch of initiative to midfielder Javorcic, who is unsuccessfully trying to play a decisive game (from 74 ‘Cheryshev 6 – He takes the place of Cuisance, who officially debuted in a Venezia T-shirt).
Johnsen 5.5 – Work within the limits of competence, without becoming specifically dangerous, as it should and could (of 46 ‘Tessmann 4 – Nullifies the good deeds done, see the Novakovic filter, heal, exile for a double yellow for 6 minutes).
Pohyanpalo 5 – A goal due to offside is correctly canceled before gobbling, from two steps, the goal of a possible 1-1 in the final.
Connolly 6 – Causes chills in Alfonso at the beginning, and then gradually decreases after a few minutes (of 58 ‘Novakovic 5 – Takes over Connolly, spending a series of excellent points).
Stada Ivan Javorcic 5 – Lost to SPAL 2-0, recording the second defeat in a row in the league.
Source: Tutto Mercato Web
I’m Todderic Kirkman, a journalist and author for athletistic. I specialize in covering all news related to sports, ranging from basketball to football and everything in between. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have become an invaluable asset to my team. My ambition is to bring the most up-to-date information on sports topics around the world.