The book tells the most hidden secrets of animals, but also how scientists, obsessed with them, managed to discover them in unconventional situations, such as smelling poo, immersing themselves all day in the sea or watering their devices. man perfume photo.
In the world, there are fascinating facts about animals. Who would know that there are 20,000 species of bees, that jaguars are mysteriously attracted to scent, or that there is a fish that hasn’t evolved and still has the same shape as when dinosaurs existed?
These are secrets of the animal world, which only those with an avid passion for them can spend their entire lives studying them and that their daily life includes this: looking for them, observing them in detail, entering their habitat to discover their true personalities.
These scientists are those with whom Brooke Barker, an American writer and illustrator, worked, who in his new book How do meerkats order pizza? revealed not only the secrets of animals, but also of enthusiasts researchers who are even able to smell feces to learn the weirdest facts about the planet’s wildlife.

Every scientist has an animal they’re obsessed with
Brooke Barker is 35 years old and originally from Portland, Oregon. She is an editor and one day he discovered that the worms had five hearts. He tried to use it in a commercial, but his co-workers thought it was “weird” and scrapped it. Still, he started reading more and more fun facts about animals nonstop.
She kept them to herself, until an artist offered her a challenge on Instagram: draw an illustration for 100 days. It was her chance, so Brooke chose to share her findings in a profile she created, under the name of Sad Animal Facts (Unfortunate facts about animals), where he finally found an audience more than intrigued by all the secrets of animals they didn’t know.
It was the name of his first book, followed by Unfortunate facts about animals (babies)where he tells sad facts about animals, but small, with humor, because it’s nature that makes them somehow comically vulnerable. For example, Did you know that newborn elephants have no control over their own trunks?
But now her life has taken a 360 degree turn, well He was able to meet the scientists who are the ones who discover in the first person all these data that few know about the animal world. In his new book, How do meerkats order pizza?tells us not only what we want to know, but curiosity about how they are obtained.
“A few years ago, I read a study in which researchers put small vests on rats, and when I looked for pictures of the vests, it only raised more questions. Who sewed the vests? Did they study fashion design or were they scientists who owned a sewing machine? How many vests did they make before they landed on a rat-friendly design? — says the author, in conversation with The third.
—We always hear facts about how fast a cheetah can run, but we don’t always hear what it’s like to go out with a stopwatch. and time a cheetah. I was especially interested in details like these, about what a normal day is like for these animal experts.
And, surprise, behind all the discoveries is a group of scientists who live and breathe their favorite animals : meerkats, as in the title, yeti crabs, bees, crows, macaques and many others, all with their particular, sad, surprising and curious secrets.

Even, Chile is present in the book, Well, there is a mosquito called Belgica antarctica which is the obsession of a scientist, who in order to find it, must cross the country and then embark to the Palmer base, north of the Antarctic circle.
A book for all ages with a powerful message
How do meerkats order pizza? is an easy-to-read non-fiction picture book for readers of all ages. While you get to know animal data, it’s impossible not to want to run around and tell everyone the secrets of animals we never imagined.
Have you ever imagined knowing that jaguars are fascinated by the smell of a Calvin Klein cologne for men? Probably not, but how could they have known? Jaguars are very shy and difficult animals to study.
Afterwards, Scientists Train Dogs To Smell Jaguar Poop So They Can Find It and study them closely, and that’s when they realized they liked the smell of perfume. Now they spray the perfume on their cameras to lure them in so they can take pictures, and thus help to understand them, because it is an endangered species.

This is another important point. The author tells There Third that she considers herself an animal lover and that she also loves people who love them like her. And in this line is that the scientists in addition to telling us the secrets of his favorite animals, They also warn of the dangers facing species, especially those in danger of extinction and those affected by climate change.
Through humor, illustration, colors and text, there is the message to understand other forms of life, to see how animals are related, how they live, how they act, the personality that they have.
—I love animals because they show us that there is no right or wrong way to be. . We humans have a lot of rules about how loud, clean and furry we are supposed to be. We want to be just the right size and just the right amount of aggression, sociability and activity,” Brooke said. LT .
Moreover, he is very present the message of the role that humans should take care of them, love them, respect them, so they keep giving us weird data that we like to read about in books like this.
Are you intrigued by the way meerkats order pizza? You will have to read the book, you can find it here.
Source: Latercera

I am David Jack and I have been working in the news industry for over 10 years. As an experienced journalist, I specialize in covering sports news with a focus on golf. My articles have been published by some of the most respected publications in the world including The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.