Who has worse mental health, Gen Z or Millennials? Study shows surprising results

Generation Z brings together young people born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s (between 12 and 26 years old today). A study looked at their mental health.

Mental health is an issue of great importance and concern for Generation Z (Gen Z), as this demographic has faced unique challenges and pressures that can have a significant impact on their well-being. -be emotional and psychological.

Problems like Anxiety, depression and stress have taken root in the lives of many of these young people, who strive to move forward in a rapidly changing world. Academic pressure, constant comparisons on social media, and uncertainty about the future create an emotional burden that is often hidden.

Who has worse mental health, Gen Z or Millennials? Study shows surprising results

Actually, Less than half (47%) of Generation Z Americans are successful in their lives, according to the report. figure lower than that of all other generations. Additionally, Gen Z feels 13 percentage points less prosperous than millennials of the same age (born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s).

These data were published Thursday in a study of Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation, which aims track how this generation feels and behaves over time.

“Decisions that affect public policies, learning environments and workplaces must take into account the perspectives of – not those of – Generation Z, the challenges they face and the solutions best suited to them. unique needs,” the study notes.

Researchers surveyed more than 3,000 people aged 12 to 26 in April and May of this year and the results were not encouraging. Compared to older generations, the study indicates that members of Generation Z is much more likely to live negative emotions such as stress, anxiety and loneliness.

The mental health gap between men and women is widening.

“More than a third of Gen Z rate their mental health as “poor” (10%) or “very fair” (26%), more than any other generation,” the report explains. Furthermore, 54% of Gen Z said that he felt anxious for much of the previous day r, 10 percentage points more than millennials.

This appears to be related to college, as Gen Z students who reported “fair” or “poor” mental health are 59% more likely to report missing school in the past month than those who report excellent mental health.

Worryingly, since only 15% of members of Generation Z between 18 and 26 years old report having excellent mental health . A sharp decline from a decade ago, when 52% of millennials in the same age group said their mental health was excellent. And what’s even more discouraging is that in 2004, 55% of people aged 18 to 26 (including millennials and Generation X) reported being in excellent mental health.

Additionally, only four in ten (44%) Gen Z students say they feel prepared for their future. “This lack of confidence may reflect the extent to which students feel their schools are preparing them for future careers” says the study.

Most Gen Z students said their schools didn’t provide them with hands-on learning experiences that could help them enter the job market. Only 29% of Gen Z middle schoolers and 34% of high schoolers said their school provided opportunities to learn skills like applying for a job or preparing for an interview. Furthermore, Only half of students say that their schoolwork challenges them to a great extent (52%).

“To enable Generation Z to achieve their goals and aspirations “Schools must provide students with relevant experiences and training that help them navigate the job market. » said Stephanie Marken, Gallup associate and executive director of education research.

However, despite their mental health challenges, this generation seems optimistic about the future. Even among those who rate their mental health as “fair,” 65% agree or strongly agree that a great future awaits them.

“There is some pretty enduring optimism about this generation’s mental health issues” says the study.

Mental health in decline

When asked why mental health numbers are low, researchers believe the general decline in mental health over the past decade could be the reason. According to the study, millennials and members of Generation X “report significantly lower mental health scores today” than they did a decade ago.

And this isn’t the first research to show mental health issues among young people. At the beginning of this year, the Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention of the United States said poor mental health remains a problem “major public health problem” for adolescents, especially among adolescent girls.

Additionally, in 2022, a study carried out by the Children’s Ombudsman in collaboration with the University of Chile indicated that participating adolescents recognize anxiety (93% of mentions) and depression as the most important health concerns for their peers (92%), self-harm (76%) and suicide or attempted suicide (72%).

A American Psychological Association 2018 Report found that, compared to other generations, more Gen Zers believed their mental health was fair or poor. The association’s general director later described this change as worrying, but also stressed that it could be a positive sign, since This generation may be more willing to acknowledge mental health issues than previous generations.

This is the first report to focus on how young people view themselves, their schools and their future opportunities, but researchers warn it won’t be the last and will continue to question Generation Z to provide more data.

Source: Latercera

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