Scientists deny that drinking a glass of wine a day is good for your health

Popular belief suggests that drinking a glass of red wine a day is positive for cardiovascular health, but this is far from the truth.

For decades, Popular belief suggested that a glass of Red wine a day was not only a pleasure for the palate, but also a practice that brought notable health benefits. It was thought that antioxidant components found in red wine, such as resveratrol, may have cardioprotective properties if consumed in moderation. However, A study this year shook that perception, denying the purported benefits of red wine.

As science continues to uncover the relationship between red wine and health, wine lovers find themselves faced with a dilemma: Is it a healthy habit rooted in popular wisdom or a belief worth revisiting?

I had already said it World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2023: No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health. » . It even positioned alcohol as a toxic substance among the highest risk group, along with radiation and tobacco, because it can cause at least seven types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer.

Added to this is a systematic review and meta-analysis from 2023 published in the journal Open JAMA Network analyzed the drinking habits of nearly 5 million people and concluded that Consuming even small amounts of alcohol (around two drinks) per day was not significantly associated with a lower risk of death, while drinking more actually increased this risk.

Experts deny that drinking a glass of wine a day is good for your health

The historical association between drinking a glass of red wine and a reduced risk of heart disease comes from a correlation, rather than causation, which appears to be linked to the antioxidants found in red wine, particularly resveratrol, a compound found in black grapes.

It is claimed that red grapes contain a higher concentration of the resveratrol molecule, which could be associated with a reduced development of various cancer cells, In addition to containing other nutritional compounds such as vitamins C, K and B. While boosting heart health benefits, red grapes reduce cholesterol and control blood pressure .

The thought that resveratrol found in red grapes may help reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel health and reducing inflammation has led many people to adopt the habit of a daily glass as part of their diet. ‘a healthy lifestyle. But, Although resveratrol has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant in laboratory studies, results in humans have been less conclusive.

Additionally, the complexity of the issue lies in factors such as the actual amount of resveratrol present in a glass of wine and the body’s ability to effectively absorb and use this antioxidant. Jessica Marcus integrated and functional dietitian nutritionist and owner of Veda Nutrition, said in a note to Yahoo Life What “The evidence suggesting that red wine helps prevent heart disease is quite weak.”

glass of wine

“THE studies on resveratrol have been carried out in mice and you would have to drink a lot of red wine to get the therapeutic dose: more than 100 glasses! – which is clearly not a viable argument,” Marcus noted.

Heather Hausenblas, CEO and founder of Well-being discovery laboratories and health psychology scientist, said in the same report that the idea that drinking a glass of red wine can have beneficial effects on heart health “goes back to an episode of 60 minutes from 1991, where Morley Safer spoke of the “French paradox”.

The term “French paradox” fIt was invented by scientists and is based on the concept that the French can eat a high-fat diet and drink red wine. and still have lower rates of cardiovascular disease than Americans. Safer suggested that red wine could help “remove fatty deposits” from the body.

“After this episode aired, sales of red wine skyrocketed” Hausenblas emphasized.

Many studies show that even moderate alcohol consumption is bad for your health. In August 2023, an investigation concluded that There was a continued increase in blood pressure measurements in participants without hypertension, with low and high alcohol consumption. Even low levels of alcohol consumption were associated with detectable increases in blood pressure that could lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular events.

But Hausenblas and Marcus list several confounding variables in the French paradox, such as the fact that the French consume less sugar and fewer processed foods eat more fruits and vegetables, walk more often, have lower obesity rates, and have stronger social connections than Americans.

Alcohol consumption is believed to be responsible for around 3.3 million dead all over the world every year , and is increasing in many low- and middle-income countries. Its impact on organs such as the liver, brain, pancreas and heart, as well as its propensity to cause high blood pressure, complicate the prospects of a truly healthy wine.

“Furthermore, no studies have shown that the possible effects of light consumption and moderation of alcohol over cardiovascular disease and diabetes are 2 higher than the risk of cancer associated with these levels of alcohol consumption for individual consumers,” he said. there WHO .

There are other ways to get the cardiovascular benefits of wine, consuming blueberries, peanuts, pistachios and dark chocolate, which are foods containing resveratrol. You can also track lifestyle and health metrics from the American Heart Association for optimal cardiovascular health calls The essentials of life 8 which included eat healthy foods, stay physically active, don’t smoke, get enough sleep, maintain a healthy weight, and control cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

Source: Latercera

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