Bonuses of up to 4 million Chilean pesos are what France is offering for its citizens to choose to cycle to work. Could this idea be implemented in Chile?
If you are a car driver, it may be difficult for you to consider getting from one place to another by bicycle. In addition, it is likely that many times you will get angry with one or another cyclist who shares the street with you, and if you are a cyclist, the same thing will surely happen to you, but in reverse.
And that’s it In Chili relations between the two means of transport are a little tense, either through ignorance of the the law that indicates how cars and bicycles must coexist on streets and avenues either because there is a certain suspicion about everyone’s decisions.
Howeverwhat few people know is that those who prefer cycling to cover “pedalable” sections (less than 5 kilometers), are doing a great service to their health and the environment. something that countries like France want to promote, by incentivizing their citizens with very attractive bonuses which make it easier for them to acquire a cycle.
End of 2022, he French Ministry of Transport They announced that they would help up to 4,000 euros (around 4 million Chilean pesos) to those who want to start getting around by bike, under the idea that “the choice of cycling to get to work or to access services and activities must become a reality accessible to many”.
Thus, financial assistance is focused on the ability of French people to ride normal bicycles, electric bicycles, cargo bicycles and even a bicycle adapted for people with disabilities, in order to leave no one behind.
It is also surprising that the French government provides aid, such as “sustainable mobility package” for businesses, where he promised cover up to 600 euros per year (approximately $591,000) for each employee to help you with “travel costs” from home to work by bike and even tax cuts for those who encourage their employees to leave their cars behind.
AfterwardsIf you were paid to ride a bike, would you cycle to work? Is this type of idea viable in the Chilean capital?
Is Santiago ready to become a city of cyclists?
Half of the trips made in Santiago by car on a working day are less than 5 kilometers. This was established by the Santiago Origin and Destination Survey (EOD2012) .
“These are perfectly cycleable distances” Explain Ricardo Hurtubia principal investigator of CEDEUS and university of Department of Transportation Engineering CPU has The third.
But before the bonfires are lit, the expert says “This does not mean that all trips must be made by bicycle. But many of them do (…) I’m not saying that anyone who lives in Puente Alto should cycle to work in Las Condes, but there are shorter trips that can be made.”
If a large number of Santiago residents chose to reduce the time they spend behind the wheel, “we would see reductions in emissions, less use of public space and a less congested city.” Everyone benefits because they would spend less time than driving during rush hours and would also get exercise, which is good for their health.”
In this way, Santiago would have a less sedentary, less polluted and less congested population.
This is why it is not surprising that France is striving to become a more cycle-friendly city, allocating significant budgets not only to the acquisition of bicycles, but also to improving infrastructure and build (in addition) 180 kilometers of cycle paths and 130,000 bicycle parking spaces.
“It’s not money spent, it’s money invested” Hurtubia said.
But, To what extent are these ideals achievable in Chile? Starting from the capital, the last cycle path established in Providencia, one of the municipalities with the most cycle paths, on Luis Thayer Ojeda street, caused great emotion in some neighbors, who claimed that the bike path took away space for them to park their cars.
This is what the journalist Iván Antonucci demonstrated (@ivansebanucci ), who noticed that there were still cars parked along the cycle path, and A neighbor assured him that it was some sort of “protest” because with the implementation they would lose their “visitor parking spaces”.
Although there is still little cycling culture, this reality can change by increasing the number of people pedaling, but to do this, cycle paths must be improved.
“The difficult thing (to implement this idea) is to have good cycling infrastructure that extends everywhere, this allows all these people who travel by car today and who make journeys of less than 5 kilometers to be able to travel comfortably,” assures Hurtubia LT.
And today, the country’s cycle paths still have significant flaws, such as being cut off, being very narrow or having details that make people feel unsafe when riding on them. circulate. “Even if you pay people, if people perceive it’s dangerous, they’re not going to be willing to do it.” »
In the same sense, the expert also assures that the perception that people have in general is that their trips by bicycle are “very long and difficult”, when in reality this is not always the case. At this point, infrastructure comes into play again.
“The perception of safety and distance can improve. If you travel a kilometer on an unfriendly street, with buses, without a cycle path, where cars go by very quickly, you will feel that this kilometer is longer. compared to the same distance on a well-established cycle path.
“We need infrastructure. In Chile, the subsidy is not enough” concludes Hurtubia.
The health benefits of cycling to work
He Dr Nicolas Thumm traumatologist in the team Sports medicine of Clinic of the University of the Andes he explains to The third that cycling to work is a good idea from a medical and environmental point of view.
“Doing cardiovascular exercise in a low-impact setting and moving the body daily will generate health benefits” assures the expert.
But also It’s important to take care of yourself on the road. The traumatologist therefore recommends:
- Use headphones.
- Wear a reflective vest and lights.
- Obey the highway code.
- Prefer to ride on cycle paths.
- Check that the bike is in good condition.
- Check the tires.
- Adjust the seat and handlebars to avoid injury.
In the event of a fall, The above precautions can reduce damage . Nevertheless, the doctor assures that if there are injuries, injuries and pain that does not stop, and/or if the helmet has very visible damage, it will be good to be careful and go to a hospital or clinic to check that everything is in good condition. order.
Furthermore, suggests that the cyclist’s health insurance and retirement information be visible. For example, “that it is always visible on the bike or on the helmet, or that sometimes smartphones have health applications where we enter information, in case we need it in an emergency “.
Source: Latercera
I am David Jack and I have been working in the news industry for over 10 years. As an experienced journalist, I specialize in covering sports news with a focus on golf. My articles have been published by some of the most respected publications in the world including The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.