It’s the herbal tea that improves memory, reduces inflammation and promises to “cure everything.”

Different studies have shown that this plant has beneficial properties for health: from minor problems to chronic and serious diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.

When we talk about herbal teas, we probably think of the typical grandmother who has a favorite herb to cure all ailments. And actually, she’s not entirely wrong, because There are different plants whose leaves or flowers are currently used as an alternative or complement to treat an infinite number of pathologies.

However, There is one plant among all that has many benefits and which —according to various studies published in the journal Direct science its compounds offer “a natural, safe and effective treatment for many diseases and their symptoms” .

It’s the herbal tea that improves memory, reduces inflammation and promises to “cure everything.”

Benefits of sage for the body and health

Sage is an herb whose name comes from the Latin word I will save which means to heal. It is aptly named as it is widely used as a medicine to treat different symptoms and diseases safely.

According to a series of surveys, It has very effective antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-free radical and anti-tumor activities. so it has the potential to treat everything from swelling or heaviness to diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

From the page of Ministry of Health of Chile (Minsal) they declare that there wise can be used under the following conditions:

  1. In infusions: stomach, kidney and nervous problems; changes in the menstrual cycle; during menopause and uterine contractions; excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  2. External use: stomatitis, gingivitis, washing and gargling.
It’s the herbal tea that improves memory, reduces inflammation and promises to “cure everything.”

Furthermore, They reported the following about its properties:

  • Calms stomach cramps.
  • Kills bacteria or prevents their growth.
  • Reduces sweating.
  • Promotes and increases urine production.
  • Stimulates or promotes menstrual flow.
  • Moderates the activity of the nervous system.
  • Reduces uterine contractions.

Sage can be an excellent ally in combating annoying symptoms. However, It should not be used for long periods of time and, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is best to ask your family doctor if it can be consumed.

Furthermore, does not replace treatment prescribed by a doctor and could interact with certain medications.

Source: Latercera

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