These are the secrets to Taylor Swift’s exercise routine

Kirk Myers, trainer of the American artist for more than a decade, assured that even in her free time, Swift does not rest from physical activity.

Taylor Swift She made it clear that she was the artist of the moment. One of the factors that influenced this is The tour of erasa world tour that includes more than 140 dates around the world and which, although not yet completed, is already considered the most profitable in history.

At each recital on her tour, the pop star fulfilled the dreams of millions of fans who waited to meet her and faithfully sing her hits. At the same time, this raises the following question: How do you prepare to dance and sing during the three hours of the show?

The doubts grow further when we consider that the artist also has time for her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, to release new albums – like The Department of Tortured Poets– and attend various events.

Despite her busy schedule, Swift has a workout routine to stay fit and move easily when she’s on stage. This was recently revealed by his personal trainer, Kirk Myers.

Taylor Swift’s routine

Myers, founder of New York and Los Angeles-based Dogpund Gym, gave a revealing interview to Vogue where he spoke about his bond with Swift.

“His work ethic is incredible.” , admits Myers. Regarding the routine that the singer currently has, she assures that “it’s tailor-made” and that, generally speaking, it’s quite hard. “Some people would probably throw up or have to lie on the floor if they worked out like her.” said.

The coach has worked one-on-one with the pop star for over a decade, specifically since the album’s release. 1989. Because of this, he was able to see each of his changes and the exercises that worked for him.

“We focused his training for the tour of The tour of eras with the mentality of a professional athlete,” he revealed to Vogue. On average, Swift goes to the gym twice a week while on tour and focuses on strength and conditioning because it makes it easier for her to perform on stage.

Taylor Swift has been training with Kirk Myers for over ten years.

“If you’ve seen the show, you know how physically intense it is. Imagine you do this three, four days in a row and at the end you have a few days off while still going to the gym. It’s Taylor,” Myers said.

If the artist is in her free time, she does not leave physical activity aside: she goes to the gym up to six times a week, “sometimes two hours a day”.

According to the coach, the artist also usually does cardio by personal decision. “One thing that is important to focus on when working on your core strength is breathing. I know it’s original, but breathing fully during training helps strengthen it,” he emphasizes.

In the interview, the Dogpound Gym founder says Swift is “the most resilient person” he’s ever met and seeing how she’s able to overcome challenges has been “inspiring.”

“This is also reflected throughout his training. I give him a difficult exercise or challenging workout, and he is not only able to complete it and overcome it, but he also perseveres and moves on to the next exercise. Ultimately, it makes it stronger, better and faster,” he concludes.

Myers has also trained other well-known figures in the entertainment industry such as Hugh Jackman, Adriana Lima, Tom Holland, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Eva Longoria .

Source: Latercera

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