Until when can you apply for the special call for housing assistance 2024?

The call for applications is currently open to elderly people or people with disabilities.

In the coming days, the call to request the 2024 Rent Subsidy which is currently keeping open its special appeal, aimed at the elderly or disabled .

An advantage that allows you to finance your income through a monthly contribution between 90% and 95% of the rental value a co-payment of between 5% and 10% must therefore be made.

Requirements for applying for housing assistance

May apply for the special call for Housing Benefit abide by :

  • Be over 60 years old or have a disability by registering in the National Register of Disabled Persons.
  • Do not exceed the socio-economic bracket of 70% from the Social Household Register. In addition to the usual factors, additional points will be awarded for age, disability and being a caregiver.
  • Prove a minimum income of 5 UF, or approximately $188,000, as a basis for calculating the co-payment.

As highlighted ChiliAtiende to access this type of benefit, There is no need to have a minimum savings And It is also not necessary to have a family nucleus. since registration can be done with or without.

Until when can we apply?

The request for a special call for Rental Allowance can be made until August 30 in the Minvu Site by entering with the ClaveÚnica and completing the data.

If the benefit is obtained, it can be used for 24 months for leases of up to 13 UF in the metropolitan areas, Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Aysén and Magallanes and up to 11 UF for the rest of the country.

Source: Latercera

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