Twist in the story of the woman who appeared chained to a tree in India

She accused in her first statement that her husband had chained her without access to food or water and that she had remained like that for 40 days. Now, he is making new statements about her case.

It was last July 27th, when A 50-year-old American woman, Lalita Kayi Kumar, was found tied with chains to a tree in a forest. from Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India.

The discovery took place after a cowherd heard screams while he was traveling with his cattle nearby.

“The sound came from the forest on the mountainside. When I went there, I saw that one of his legs was tied to a tree. I was screaming like an animal . “I called other villagers and the police,” he said in an interview with the BBC .

Quickly, local authorities They went to the scene to cut the chains and treat Kayi Kumar .

The woman was in a serious condition malnutrition and dehydration while his right leg was severely swollen, due to the pressure exerted by the chain.

According to data retrieved by Infobae after being found She was taken to the primary health centre in Sawantwadi and later transferred to a hospital with higher standards. in Goa.

In their expert reports, the investigators They found a copy of his US passport and documents proving he had an expired Indian visa. .

In addition, They found medical prescriptions and its address in Tamil Nadu, a state located in the south of the country.

Since Kayi Kumar initially had difficulty speaking, communicated by handwriting on a notepad .

In this way, declared to the police that her husband had chained her and left her in the forest to “die without food or nourishment.” water » .

He also said he was like this for 40 days which led to his case being investigated for suspected attempted murder.

Yet, from the very beginning, Experts have raised suspicions about what she said. .

This, because They considered it unlikely that he could survive for so long without food or water and in these conditions. in the middle of a forest.

Nevertheless, It only took a while for new details to come to light. which turned the story of Lalita Kayi Kumar upside down.

Lalita Kayi Kumar
A twist in the story of the woman who appeared chained to a tree in India. Photo: Lalita Kayi Kumar.

What was revealed about the woman found chained to a tree

Sindhudurg Superintendent of Police Saurabh Agarwal confirmed on Tuesday, August 6, that The woman admitted that she was not actually married and that she had probably hallucinated when she first made the statement. .

This is a relevant detail, since She had initially claimed that it was her husband who had chained her up against his will.

In this sense, Kayi Kumar corrected that she had done it herself, because her Indian visa had expired and she was facing financial problems. .

This despair, He said, he took him to buy some locks and chains to tie himself to the tree. from the above-mentioned region of Maharashtra.

After his physical health improved in hospital, The American woman was transferred to a psychiatric facility for treatment. .

Dr Sanghamitra Phule, superintendent of the latter medical facility, assured that “His condition is improving.” .

“She eats, walks and also exercises. “He is on medication and we are giving him some nutrients that his body was lacking.” he stressed in a conversation with the BBC.

At the same time, he said the woman—who was from Massachusetts— He was able to contact his family in the United States through phone calls .

Among his affairs, Authorities also found a cell phone, a tablet and about 31,000 rupees, or about $344,000 in Chilean pesos. (under current change).

So far, Lalita Kayi Kumar has chosen not to speak publicly about her case which shocked both India and the people of the world who were aware of it.

From the aforementioned media They contacted the US embassy in that country but declined to comment. and cited their right to privacy.

Even though the woman was from North America, He has been living in India for about a decade. according to Infobae.

It is said that he had arrived in the territory for the purpose of studying yoga and meditation .

So far, Indian authorities have not said how long she was chained to the tree. .

It is worth recalling that although the woman retracted her initial statement that she was there for 40 days against her will, He was dehydrated and malnourished. .

Lalita Kayi Kumar
A twist in the story of the woman who appeared chained to a tree in India. Photo: Lalita Kayi Kumar.

How long can you survive without drinking water?

Drinking water is a key element for the functioning of the body because it performs functions such as regulating body temperature, facilitating the transport of nutrients, maintaining cellular hydration and contributing to the elimination of toxins, among other relevant processes.

According to a review of Merck’s medical manual by National Geographic , When a person becomes dehydrated, water moves from inside the cells into the bloodstream. .

This, with the aim of maintain required blood pressure and blood volume .

But when dehydration spreads, body tissues begin to dry out and cells begin to shrink, leading to poor functioning .

The specialist in clinical and functional nutrition, Gabriela Cilla, explained to the aforementioned media that How long a person can survive without clean water depends on the individual case. .

In this sense, he said that one factor to consider is that The more muscle mass an individual has, the more water he stores in his body. .

“What is estimated is that, On average, humans can survive several weeks without food, but most people only survive about two to four days without water. “, the nutritionist assured National Geographic.

An article from the Mayo Clinic suggests – with data from the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – that Men should drink about 3.7 liters of water per day .

On the other hand, Women should drink about 2.7 liters per day. .

Such recommendation figures also include water present in other liquids and foods .

Source: Latercera

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